Interview with our Owner

We sat down with one of the coolest people at Lee Hemp and asked her our most burning questions. Keep reading to learn all of the juicy details about Bozeman's coolest entrepreneur. 

Tell us about yourself! Name, age, background.

I’m Hannah Lee (named after the famous CBD brand, Lee Hemp), and I’m 27.

I got my bachelor’s degree in business marketing from Montana State, but I really wanted to be a pro outdoor recreator and specialize in aunt life, so I started a business to fund those dreams.

How did you get involved with CBD? 

A few of my brothers started farming hemp after the 2018 farm bill legalized growing industrial hemp. Lee Hemp was born from that experiment, and I had just graduated with a marketing degree, so they reached out to me for help building a website, and I took on part ownership and a role as marketing director & operator alongside my brother, Zeph.

Why are you passionate about CBD? 

I’ve been passionate about good supplements for a long time. All my friends make fun of me for suggesting some sort of supplement anytime they complain about the smallest issue. CBD and hemp derived supplements are the ones I’ve seen the most prominent benefits from in my own life, and I love watching others experience the benefits. Zeph and I have also both wanted to stay involved in the agriculture industry in some capacity, so it’s been awesome being able to grow hemp and stay connected to the farming side of the industry while creating quality CBD products.

What is your favorite Lee Hemp product?

I’m loving our Extra Strength Cinnamon Flavor CBD tincture right now!  It packs a punch with 100mg of CBD per serving, but is THC free, which means I can take it in the morning without feeling sleepy. It’s so helpful for the shoulder pain I’ve been dealing with lately! It packs a punch with 100mg of CBD per serving, but is THC free, which means I can take it in the morning without feeling sleepy. It’s so helpful for the shoulder pain I’ve been dealing with lately!

You’re stranded on a Desert Island and you can only have two items with you and one of them has to be a Lee Hemp product - what do you bring?

Our Blue Raspberry CBD Gummies because they’re helpful for stress relief, but also delicious and I would probably just eat them as a little snacky snack. 

 And a boat - not to escape the island, but just because I really like boating. 

Are you more of a tincture fan or a gummy fan? 

Typically a gummy fan! They are convenient & delicious, but again, I’m loving the dosing of our extra strength tinctures lately, so I’ve been more consistent with that product!

What’s in your purse right now?

I pretty much only carry a purse so I don’t forget to bring Lactaid with me everywhere I go (heaven forbid I put myself in a situation where I have to pass up ice cream). My purse is just like 400 Lactaid pills, and a credit card. 

I heard a rumor about Huckleberry-flavored products- tell me more. Are you a Huckleberry fan, or is this for the masses?

There is a huckleberry lip balm in the works! I do love huckleberry flavored things, but this one is more for the masses. I’m a peppermint lip balm girl alllll the way. 

Are you working on any new products? 

Always working on new things or have ideas I’d like to try! The new lip balm is close, I’m also hoping to launch another gummy formula within the year (it will be a daytime use gummy formulated for focus/stress-relief/energy)! 

Tell us a fun fact about CBD! 

Your body creates its own CBD! Most people are just familiar with CBD and other cannabinoids coming from the cannabis (hemp) plant, but the reason our brains & bodies use these compounds so well is that we create our own version of these chemicals in our endocannabinoid system!

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